Sunday, October 5, 2008

what kind of christian are you?

every month my church gets together the first or second sunday of every month. today one of our elders named Tery Goodwin talked about whether you are the type of christian that feels like God owes you certain things such as that God shows himslef to you regularly or are you the type that God has done things in your life already and if he doesn't do anything for the rest of your life and be satisfied by that. well in my case God has done some amazing things in my life already. and if he doesn't work in my life any more i wouold still follow and serve him without question. so after you read this post please comment about what type of christian you are.

thanks for reading Jon

1 comment:

Dr. Terry M. Goodwin said...

Jon, I like the blog. Keep telling people all that God has done for you.