Friday, September 19, 2008

i sense a pattern

all the poems that i wrote in high school all seem to have the same theme. darkness, thats it nothing more nothing less. sure the words inside of each poem are different. to be honest i was going through a very dark time in that part of my life. it was like my mind was in a complete and total fog called derpesion. the depresion started when i was about 10 till i was 18 or 19 years old. but it came back when i was 21 but that lasted only for acouple of months. then i was saved and that killed the depresion totally and right now i an totally free and happier than i have ever been!

thank you for reading this Jon

1 comment:

Zach said...

that makes complete sense. Before you were saved, darkness was pretty much what you were. But then, by the blood of Jesus (YAY!!!) you were set free from the ultimate darkness, but a few clinging shadows hid in discrete darkened corridors, BUT NO LONGER!!!!!!