Friday, September 19, 2008

my one true passion

i have one true passion and that is photography. i go to a school called meramec community college and they offer a wide range of photo classes. such as photo 1,2,3 color photo 1,2 field photo ( which i am currently taking) portrait photo non-silver (which is the hardest in my opinion) artificial light and well thats about it. i have personally taken all the calsses except portrait and artificial light. but back to m passion i feel like im most happy when im out taking photos with my minolta srt 101 which is a camera from the 70s that my dad gave me. my favourite thing to do is go to a cematary at around 10 o clock at night with my camera a flash light and my shutter release cable and sometimes a model and just paint with light. which is basically taking a flash light illuminating the thing you want to shoot set your camera to bulb ( which means that as long as you hold the shutter button down the shutter stays open for as long as you want) this is my idea of fun.

happy shooting, Jon

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